Sunday, May 20, 2012

App hub stuff

So this week I haven't done much work on things because I've been focusing on studying for the final.
Although I did go into apphub to check out my memberships for the creators club and I just happened to stumble on the fact that i already had 2 memberships, one on my usual email that i am using for my own game startup I'm working on and my DePaul email account.  so that made getting the membership pretty easy.  This week I will get my lobby completed and then provided I have time get the ships moving on both computers.  I don't see much standing in my way on this, I want to get this done ASAP so that I can do some debugging and add as many "goodies" to it as I can.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Input Queu working

Well my Input is now being stored and processed from a queue so I'm feeling really good about things now.  I had this stupid error that i couldn't figure out and all it was is that I was trying to dequeue an empty queue, i feel like such an idiot but all is good now.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

This week

Unfortunately I really don't have too much to add this week.  This week has been a terrible week for me.  I've been very busy this week with work and working on my own business so I haven't been able to get much coding on the project done. 
I suppose my time management has been pretty poor, but I am taking 5 classes and working 25 hours a week, so I'm just trying to manage things.  I've been doing a lot of thinking about what I need to do to get this working nd feel like I have a lot of great thoughts on how I need to do this.
I will have the data driven one within the next couple days I hope and once that is done I don't see the networking being too difficult so overall I am not feeling bad about anything on this project.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Starting Final Project

So I decided to go with Omega Race for my final project.  It seems like it'll be a good challenge and I've gotten a start on things and it seems like everything shoudl be pretty manageable.
I've gotten a start on getting the Data Driven portion of the assignment done and so far so good.  I'm feeling pretty good about this, he last time i did any networking in XNA was way back in 2.something so it was a bit different, but the same basic concept so I think once I get the data driven done it'll be easy enough to send it down the network as well as to the input manager.  So so far so good.